SSH PermitRootLogin prohibit-password

 Reflexion de geek, Trucs et astuces techniques  Commentaires fermés sur SSH PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
Oct 192019

Il y eut un temps où je voulais avoir toujour un accès ssh par password (en plus de la clé RSA)
Mais on a avantage à ne pas faire comme ça.

  • Comme le password root n’est plus utilisé couremment, le password root peut être randomisé à un truc du genre ohju9aejaey6vohha3ai et est donc vraiment dur et aussi unique (c’est à dire sur aucune autre machine)
  • Le password root n’est communiqué à personne, ce qui réduit considérablement les risques de fuite.
  • Le password root est stocké sur papier en lieu sûr pour les cas de dépanage uniquement et sur la console locale.
  • Ca évite le bruteforce
  • Les clés RSA étant nominatives, ont peut en révoquer une sans changer le password root.
  • Changer le password root n’est plus une maintenance compliquée qui nécessite de communiquer le nouveau à toute la liste des usagers.
  • Les clés RSA étant nominatives, avec un peu de tuning ont peut savoir qui a executé telle ou telle commande en tant que root. On a donc une meilleure tracabilité des accès.

99% – Nayn-Un-Nayntsik

 Culture  Commentaires fermés sur 99% – Nayn-Un-Nayntsik
Oct 182019

They’re driving us out of town
‘Cause luxury makes the world go round
Read it in papers every morning
“How could all this trouble come to pass?
Years and years we listened to the warning
That luxury is just a golden calf.“

And you say the rich are parasites
You say they are a curse
But as soon as you get yourself a little money
In your purse, you’re worse

Me traybt undz aroys fun shtot
Vayl ashires iz der nayer got

Shraybn tsaytungen arum di temes:
“vi zhe ken dos haynttsutog nokh zayn?
Doyres lang farshteyen mir dem emes
Az ashires iz a falsher vayn!“
Un me ruft dem oysher a paskudnyak
Un me halt im far a brokh
Nor vi bald me fardint a bisl mezumen
Makht men dem oysher nokh. Oy nokh:
“Oy, vi sheyn iz mayn mashindele!
Zet vi es halt in kepele di gantse velt!“
Oy my little phone-y thing is beautiful
See how fast it captures simply everything!

Nayn-un-nayntsik, nayn-un-nayntsik, 99% are we
99% don’t measure up these days
To one who lives in luxury

Nayn-un-nayntsik in der vog fun oylem-haze
Kumt nit tsu tsu eyn gevir
Nayn-un-nayntsik zenen mir

Nayn-un-nayntsik, nayn-un-nayntsik
Nayn-un-nayntsik zenen mir
Nayn-un-nayntsik, nayn-un-nayntsik
Nayn-un-nayntsik zenen mir

You wanna join the one percent?
Just gather ninety-nine good friends:
Take from them the best they have to offer
Let them eat the leavings of your meal
Soon you will be filling up your coffers
Scraping heaven with your glass and steel

And if they say that you’re a dirty bum
Who takes without restraint
Just make a little donation
And they’ll say that you’re a saint, a saint!

Vilst vern an oysher haynt?
Iz zaml nayn-un-nayntsik fraynd
Nem tsu bay zey dos shenste un dos beste
Zoln zey lebn a bisl eng un shmol

Du’st zikh boyen fundamentn feste
Kratsn volkns mit dayn gloz-un-shtol

Az me’t dikh rufn a pust-un-paskudnyak
A megushemdiker shtik
Zolst shenken a sheyne nedove
Vestu vern an antik, antik!

“Oy, vi klug iz undzer oysherl
Zet vi er veyst vi ostsuheyln di gantse velt!“
“Oh how smart is our philanthropist
How he heals the whole wide world with charity!“

Nayn-un-nayntsik, nayn-un-nayntsik, 99% are we
One percent’s a lonely number
Lonely with his riches and his luxury

Eyn-un-eyntsik iz der oysher
Eyn-un-eyntsik mit zayn ashires on a shir
Nayn-un-nayntsik zenen mir

But if the wheel should turn
And the stock market should crash and burn
Bloody murder scream the ruling classes
“It’s not our fault, we put the money down,“
While the rest of us are thrown out on our asses, Looking for apartments out of town

So be a pal and not a pig
You’ll have yourself to thank
Don’t make your home a slot machine
Don’t turn your town into a bank

Tomer git zikh dos redl a drey
Un di berzhe falt biz okh un vey
Shrayt der eyn-protsentnik khay vekayem
“Loz di tsore nit tsum kern tsu!“

Beys mir vos esn gvirishe shirayem
Zukhn naye dires— ober vu?!
Oyb a khaver un nit keyn khazer zayn
Iz dos lebn a geshank

Me makht nit fun a voynung a konte
Me makht nit fun a shtot— a bank!

Nayn-un-nayntsik iz a khavershaft
Eyn-un-eyntsik iz a khazershaft
Ninety-nine is a community
One percent is a fuck-you-nity

Nayn-un-nayntsik, 99% are we
99%, we are the 99%, we sing our melody
Nayn-un-nayntsik, nayn-un-nayntsik
Lomir, 99 zingen undzer shir
Nayn-un-nayntsik zenen mir

Shtil Di Nakht Iz Oysgeshternt

 Culture  Commentaires fermés sur Shtil Di Nakht Iz Oysgeshternt
Oct 182019

J’ai découvert cette chanson que je trouve très jolie

Ci dessous une traduction des passages yiddish en anglais

Silent stars are shining over you
In the frost your hands are numb
Remember, sweet comrade, how I showed you
How a soldier holds her gun

A girl, a coat of fur and leather
Holding a pistol in her hand
Waiting and watching for the German
Convoy to come around the bend

The quiet night is full of stars
And the frost has strongly burned;
Do you remember how I have taught you
To hold a gun in the hand?

Shtil di nakht iz oysgeshternt
Un der frozt hat shtark gebrent
Tsi gedenkstu vi ikh hob dikh gelernt
Haltn a shpayer in di hent

A girl, a fur coat and a beret
And holds in her hand tightly a Nagant
A girl with a face as smooth as velvet
Holds up the enemy’s caravan.

A moyd, a peltsl un a beret
Un halt in hant fezt a nagan
A moyd mit a sametenem ponim
Hit op dem soynes karavan

She aims her trusty little weapon
Breathes, and pulls the trigger back
A transport full of ammunition
One shot stops it in it’s tracks

Aimed, fired and hit
Has her tiny pistol.
A vehicle filled with weapons
She has stopped with one bullet.

Getsilt, geshosn un getrofn
Hot ir kleyninker piztoyl
An oyto a fulinkn mit vofn
Farhaltn hot zi mit eyn koyl

At dawn, she crawls out of the forest
With garlands of snow all in her hair
One more little victory for freedom
One more comrade brave and fair

Before daybreak, she comes out of the forest
With snow garlands on her hair,
Encouraged by a minuscule victory
For our new, free generation.

Fartog fun vald aroysgekrokhn
Mit shney girlandn oyf di hor
Gemutikt fun kleyninkn nitsokhn
Far undzer nayem frayen dor

Memo LVM

 Sans catégorie  Commentaires fermés sur Memo LVM
Oct 142019

Pour voir sur quel PV sont les LV

lvs -a -o +devices

J’ajoute généralement à mon .bashrc la ligne suivante

alias lvsd='lvs -a -o +devices'

creation de PV

pvcreate /dev/blockdevice

ça met juste la signature "ceci est un PV LVM" dans le device.

Ajoute de PV à un VG existant

vgextend vgName /dev/blockdevice

deplace les données d’un PV vers les autres PV du groupe

pvmove -i5 /dev/PVblockdev 

Enfin un nouveau serveur !

 Sans catégorie  Commentaires fermés sur Enfin un nouveau serveur !
Oct 112019

ça y est!

Le site est migré sur un serveur qui avance un minimum.

Je vais pouvoir recommencer à m’en servir