Jan 132011

Impossible de trouver de la doc récente sur internet.
Le mieux est d’aller directement voir dans le code source quelles sont les directives acceptées.

Auth_MySQL_Info host, user and password of the MySQL database
AuthMySQL_DefaultHost Default MySQL host
AuthMySQL_DefaultUser Default MySQL user
AuthMySQL_DefaultPassword Default MySQL password
Auth_MySQL_DefaultPort Default MySQL server port
Auth_MySQL_DefaultSocket Default MySQL server socket
Auth_MySQL_General_DB default database for MySQL authentication
AuthMySQL_DefaultDB default database for MySQL authentication
AuthMySQL_Host database host
Auth_MySQL_Host database host
Auth_MySQL_Socket database host socket
AuthMySQL_Socket database host socket
Auth_MySQL_Port database host port
AuthMySQL_Port database host port
Auth_MySQL_Username database user
AuthMySQL_User database user
Auth_MySQL_Password database password
AuthMySQL_Password database password
Auth_MySQL_DB database name
AuthMySQL_DB database name
Auth_MySQL_Password_Table Name of the MySQL table containing the password/user-name combination
AuthMySQL_Password_Table Name of the MySQL table containing the password/user-name combination
Auth_MySQL_Group_Table Name of the MySQL table containing the group-name/user-name combination; can be the same as the password-table.
Auth_MySQL_Group_Clause Additional WHERE clause for group/user-name lookup
AuthMySQL_Group_Table Name of the MySQL table containing the group-name/user-name combination; can be the same as the password-table.
Auth_MySQL_Password_Field The name of the field in the MySQL password table
AuthMySQL_Password_Field The name of the field in the MySQL password table
Auth_MySQL_Password_Clause Additional WHERE clause for group password/user-name lookup
Auth_MySQL_Username_Field The name of the user-name field in the MySQL password (and possibly group) table(s).
AuthMySQL_Username_Field The name of the user-name field in the MySQL password (and possibly group) table(s).
Auth_MySQL_Group_Field The name of the group field in the MySQL group table; must be set if you want to use groups.
AuthMySQL_Group_Field The name of the group field in the MySQL group table; must be set if you want to use groups.
Auth_MySQL_Group_User_Field The name of the user-name field in the MySQL group table; defaults to the same as the username field for the password table.
AuthMySQL_Group_User_Field The name of the user-name field in the MySQL group table; defaults to the same as the username field for the password table.
Auth_MySQL_Empty_Passwords Enable (on) or disable (off) empty password strings; in which case any user password is accepted.
AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords Enable (on) or disable (off) empty password strings; in which case any user password is accepted.
Auth_MySQL_Authoritative When ‘on’ the MySQL database is taken to be authoritative and access control is not passed along to other db or access modules.
AuthMySQL_Authoritative When ‘on’ the MySQL database is taken to be authoritative and access control is not passed along to other db or access modules.
AuthMySQL_AllowOverride Allow directory overrides of configuration
Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords When ‘on’ the password in the password table are taken to be crypt()ed using your machines crypt() function.
AuthMySQL_Encrypted_Passwords When ‘on’ the password in the password table are taken to be crypt()ed using your machines crypt() function.
Auth_MySQL_Scrambled_Passwords When ‘on’ the password in the password table are taken to be scramble()d using mySQL’s password() function.
AuthMySQL_Scrambled_Passwords When ‘on’ the password in the password table are taken to be scramble()d using mySQL’s password() function.
Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types Encryption types to use
AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types Encryption types to use
Auth_MySQL_Non_Persistent Use non-persistent MySQL links
AuthMySQL_Persistent Use non-persistent MySQL links
Auth_MySQL Enable MySQL authentication
AuthMySQL Enable MySQL authentication

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